Biologic Projects and Technical Cores

1: 5' leader in assembly: The role of RNA in HIV-1 assembly focuses on understanding the structures and molecular transformations of the HIV-1 RNA molecules that become packaged into virions as genomic RNA (gRNA).

Project 1 Leads: Owen Pornillos and Mike Summers

2: Recognition by the Host: Recognition of HIV-1 RNA by host proteins addresses interactions between HIV-1 RNA and host proteins, to illuminate both how cells recognize foreign RNA and aspects of RNA metabolism exploited by HIV1.

Project 2 Leads: Paul Bieniasz and Sun Hur

3: Gene Expression and Control: HIV-1 gene expression and its control will examine RNA structures and RNA-protein interactions that regulate all aspects of HIV-1 gene expression including RNA synthesis, splicing, transport, and translation.

Project 3 Leads: Stephen Goff and Janet Smith

These three biologic projects will be achieved through the development and implementation of technologies by four Scientific Cores. Specifically:

1: NMR, Computation and Dynamics Core will provide NMR facilities, sample preparation, and services, and will engage in technology development to push technical boundaries of RNA size and dynamics in structure determination.

Core 1 Leads: Theodore Dayie and Jan Marchant

2: Crystallography will provide and characterize purified proteins and RNAs, develop technologies for crystallization of RNAs and RNA-protein complexes and use cutting-edge technologies to solve crystal structures.

Core 2 Leads: Janet Smith and Jinwei Zhang

3: Imaging: Cryo-EM and Optical Microscopy will provide access to, as well as expertise and training in, state of the art imaging using cryo-EM, light microscopy, and correlative light and electron microscopy.

Core 3 Leads: Melanie Ohi and Nathan Sherer

4: Biology and Chemistry will provide cutting edge and established molecular and virologic services to the structural biology projects, as well as drug discovery-related chemistry services.

Core 4 Leads: Amanda Hargrove and Sebla Kutluay