CRNA Faculty
*Listed in alphabetical order
Hashim M. Al-Hashimi, RNA Dynamics-Screening
Paul Bieniasz, RNA protein interactions in HIV-1 replication
Charles Bou-Nader, Structural biochemistry of R-loops and ribonucleoprotein complexes
David Case, Computational - Force fields & refinement
Shi-Jie Chen, Computational Structural Biology
Victoria D’Souza, Alternate structures of RNA and implications for HIV biology
Kwaku Dayie, RNA labeling- Enzymatic methods
Stephen Goff, Regulation of HIV-1 RNA synthesis and trafficking
Amanda Hargrove, Small Molecule: RNA Recognition
Theodora Hatziioannou, Interactions of host antiviral proteins with viral RNA and viral antagonists
Sun Hur, RNA sensing and TRIM E3 ligases
Bruce Johnson, Computational Methods: NMR data analysis
Deepak Koirala, 3D structures and functions of viral RNAs
Sebla Kutluay, Regulation of HIV-1 replication by RNA binding proteins, NGS methodologies
Jan Marchant, Nuclear export: RNA structure and protein interactions
Melanie Ohi, Cryo-EM analysis of dynamic complexes
Owen Pornillos, Protein-RNA interactions, Crystallography, CryoEM
Nathan Sherer, HIV RNA post-transcriptional regulation and live cell imaging
Janet Smith, X-ray crystallography and protein production
Jeanne Stuckey, Protein Expression and Crystallization
Michael F. Summers, NMR studies of HIV-1 genome packaging
Aussie Suzuki, Spatiotemporal dynamics of HIV RNA
Ronald Swanstrom, HIV-1 Splicing Regulation
Harry Taylor, Crosstalk between host immunometabolism and HIV-1 replication
Alice Telesnitsky, Quantitative virology
Blanton Tolbert, Mechanisms of transcriptional control and splicing
Jinwei Zhang, Noncoding RNA Structure, Dynamics, and Recognition